Grandview Terrace Childcare

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Grandview Terrace Child Care
Address: 2075 Woodland Drive
Contact: Alejandra, Senior Supervisor, 604.718.5846


Grandview Terrace Daycare (3-5 yrs)
Monday-Friday: 7:30 am-6:00 pm
Fee: $710/month, snacks provided
Lunch Program: $45/month


Grandview Terrace Out of School Care (5-12 yrs)
September to June
Monday-Friday: 3:00-6:00 pm
Fee: $345/month, snacks provided

July & Aug
Monday-Friday: 7:30 am-6:00 pm
Fee: $550/month, snacks provided

Grandview Terrace Family Resource Centre

A fun and safe place for families to meet, get support and access resources, made possible by a partnership with Grandview School.
Programs offered:

  • Free Parent & Child Drop-In Playtime
    For caregivers and children ages 0-6 years to socialize and play in a learning centre environment with resources and a monthly visit from a Community Health Nurse. Meal provided.
    Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm

For more information on these programs, call Alejandra at 604.718.5846.