Britannia School Garden Project

The project goals include:
1) Building student and community skills and food awareness that will help reconnect participants to the land and food they eat, support healthy food choices, and foster leadership development in the area of urban agriculture
2) Improving student’s awareness of environmental and health issues as it pertains to growing food locally.
3) Fostering stronger networks, partnerships, and linkages between Britannia School, the community centre, and the wider community.
4) Growing fresh produce for the school cafeteria
The project completed its design phase in the 2010/11 student year with the students working closely with a team of professional designers, planners, and UBC students in the creation of a garden master plan
Visit Flickr to see the collaborative design process
During the fall 2011, 3 build days were organized and students from 5 different classes help build the new Streefront garden. With our partners, the Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA), The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC), and the Evergreen Foundation we are now teaching food growing curriculum to 4 classes on an on-going basis.
On June 12, 2012, Sahplek Baker and Khelsilem Rivers both from the Squamish Nation, properly named and blessed the garden to commemorate the land and traditional unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples. The garden is named Nexways Wa lh7aynexw or Transformed Life.
Visit Flickr to see the Blessing
Congradulations Britannia Garden Club for winning Most Unique Project Overall for the BUG Project at the 2011 Earth Day celebrations!
BUG - Recreation Foundation of BC Final Report
Funding partners
Greenest City Grant, City of Vancouver
Britannia Community Centre
Real Estate Foundation
Simon Fraser University Public Interest Research Group (SF PIRG)
Recreation Foundation of BC
Environmental Youth Alliance
Vancouver Coastal Health - Community Food Action Initiative
UBC Think and Eat Green
Scotts Miracle Gro
Evergreen Foundation