Britannia would like to assist those who are not able to afford the advertised cost of certain recreation programs; at the same time, our operation needs to be financially viable. Click here for our Subsidy Policy.

Britannia Warming Centre

The Warming Centre will continue to be open overnight in Gym D until January 8, 2022.


For further information about the City of Vancouver's Winter Response Strategy, please visit:


Warming Centres

We activate warming centres in extreme cold weather as a life-saving measure when the temperature reaches -5°C or below (or it feels like -5°C or below).

Last year, up to 100 people accessed our warming centres on any open night.

Warming centres include community centres and other public buildings. While they are not set up with beds or mats, they provide a safe, warm space for people who might be living outside.

Warming centre alerts are circulated to partner agencies, community centre staff, outreach program staff, and a variety of agencies serving individuals experiencing homelessness.

When warming centres are activated, their details are also included in the extreme weather response alerts sent out by HSABC.

If you are a service provider who would like to be added to the warming centre activation list email .




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