Britannia Restart: Phase 3 Changes
Mask use
As of July 1, 2021, we recommend wearing masks indoors until fully vaccinated, as aligned with public health recommendations. Some may wish to continue wearing a mask for some time – please respect other people's choices.
Facility Changes
We have increased capacity for all of our recreation facilities (Fitness Centre, Pool and Rink), and will increase more throughout the summer.
We are now offering a mix of registered and drop-in spaces for all of the recreation facilities. We encourage you to continue to book ahead to guarantee your preferred time.
Please visit for advanced online bookings.
Drop-ins will be available 15 minutes prior to each session, and all spots not already reserved will be available for drop-in as well.
The Hot Tub is now open during all swim sessions. The Steam Room and Dry Saunas remain closed at this time.
The Leisure Pool is now open during Public Swim sessions only. The Leisure Pool can also be booked for a Bubble Swim on Saturdays from 3:15-4:30pm.
We have a small selection of programs available over the summer, and are currently working on a brochure for the Fall.
Visit our Programs page for the current list of programs, and stay tuned for more to come!
Registration for Fall 2021 programs will begin on Tuesday August 24th. Online and in-person at 9:00am. By phone at 1:00pm. Program brochure will be posted here, and all activities will be found online at, once everything is confirmed. |
Building Openings
The recreation facilities have been open for public use since fall of 2020, with limited capacity and many COVID safety protocols. Restrictions will continue to ease over the summer season.
2021 Summer Pool, Rink & Fitness Schedules - Jul 12- Aug 8
The 55+ Centre and Teen Centre will be opening their doors again soon!
More information will be shared as staffing and other details are confirmed.
The Info Centre will be open for in-person registration:
July | Tue & Thu | 9:00am-12:00pm |
August | Mon-Thu | 9:00am-5:00pm |
September will reopen fully to regular office hours.
City of Vancouver - Moving Vancouver Forward
Vancouver Coastal Health - COVID updates