Mount Pleasant Childcare

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Mount Pleasant Childcare (3-5 yrs)

Address: 960 East 7th Avenue
Contact: Mirae, Senior Supervisor,


Please note: the Mount Pleasant Childcare is not taking waitlist applications at this time.


Mount Pleasant Toddler Program (18 mos-3 yrs)
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am-5:30 pm
$1431.00/month, + $70.00/month lunch fee
$1081 with Fee reduction Initiative


Mount Pleasant Daycare (3-5 yrs)
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am-5:30 pm
$1097.00/month, + $70.00/month lunch fee
$997 with Fee reduction Initiative



All programs are approved Childcare Fee Reduction Initiative sites and all fees listed are before the fee Reduction has been subtracted.